Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!

When I started this blog thing earlier in the month, I had a goal of 5 blog entries. I noticed that I was at 4 and so I am posting right now (1:09 am, Dec. 31, 2008). With less than 23 hours until 2009 I am just making my goal!

Goals are a good thing to have. When done correctly they provide a focal point for a course of action, that when taken will lead to improvement or accomplishment of some kind. (Call me Webster.) So, with less than a day to really think about it, what is my goal (resolution) for 2009?

Last year I became a Deacon for my church right before Christmas and the new year. Because it was something new to me, my resolution was focused on this position. 2008 was probably the only one I have ever kept. It was easy for me to set a goal of communicating and praying regularly with my care group. I am happy to say I believe I have accomplished this. Some of the people in my care group communicate with me on a weekly basis - sharing concerns, needs, praises, and joys. Others have yet to reply to my messages and letters. But, I still send them grab them to say hi at church and so on. So, what about 2009?

Hmmmmm. Why not stick with another God related resolution? I think that my resolution for this year will be to once again hook up with a small group from Grace. It's a scary thing for me, really, to sign up with a group again. After all, I left a group that I enjoyed a few years ago so I could fulfill a need that I saw in my church. The people who were my age weren't in small groups. I started the ball rolling and within 2 months nearly every person in my age range was in a small group! That was awesome. It was a God thing and I was used for a purpose of His! Pretty cool.

Anyway, some of those groups are still going strong. Mine, however, flopped. People started not attending. Group members got "busy" and the priority of the group was lacking. We all had kids so that threw a wrench into the mix, too. My parents would always watch our kiddos, but some of the families didn't have the network we had locally. So, we ended up bringing our kids several times so that we could help pay the babysitters. (Yippee!) It became so hit or miss that the reliability and the cohesion within the group failed. One by one couples started pulling out and I knew what was in store. It was plain to see. Since then I don't talk to the people from that group very much. This is in no way intentional on my part. I would even venture to say that some of our friendships from that group were weakened because of it. This isn't because any of the people in my group are bums. Quite the contrary. They're awesome people, but not such a good mix! So, you can see why I might be scared to jump in again.

But, I do know that small groups are a good thing - regardless of the last group we were in. I'm looking forward to the journey!

So, here we go! Maybe I can go 2 years in a row for meeting my resolution. I'm on a streak! I did the 5 posts for December after all!

Happy new year, everyone! What is your new year's resolution?

(For those of you out there reading this that don't know God, you probably think this whole blog sounds weird. I know - been there, done that. Well, too bad. Go write your own blog about how you evolved from frogs and how this life is the only one you'll ever have and you still spend it sitting in front of the TV or computers for hours on end. Friends, you are so completely missing out. If you want your resolution to get to know God this year, email me so I can help you on that journey!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy New Year to the Herriotts!