Saturday, December 6, 2008

My First Blog

Perhaps it's the season, but recently I have been asked multiple times how life was going for me and my family. Requests for pictures, updates, and happenings in the Herriott household have been frequent, especially this week.

Sunny, a friend and once colleague of mine, posts a regular blog. While viewing her facebook page last night I stumbled upon her blog and became motivated to write my own. Not that anyone out there is actually reading it. But this is a start. Perhaps this will serve as that source for family and friends who are interested in what's going on and who aren't around on a regular basis to see it for themselves.

So, thank you, Sunny, for once again being a source of inspiration!

Have a great weekend!


Emily said...

Yay...I LOVE following blogs!

Jane said...
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Jane said...

Ben- I too had to join the blog world a few months ago. I will follow you. Check out my crazy life at

Unknown said...

Thanks Ben! That is exactly why I created it-- so many people from all over asking about the kids! And, it's fun! So glad I can keep up with you guys this way!

TA-TA said...

Welcome... you can find us at